Farm Blog Nov 9th

Last week we decided that the 10 Indian runner ducklings – although they were not even a month old – would be ready to get out and about. So for a couple of hours each day since then, we have been letting them out. The first few times they all stayed together, very tight knit and needed to be coaxed out. By Wednesday we just left the stable door open for them to come and go if and when they wanted to. For hours they stayed in the nearby enclosure with the goats. But the next time we looked out, they weren’t there. They had found their way down to the pond/little lake with all the other ducks and hens. We reckon the SAS (the Muscovy army/ducklings) had come and got them to recruit onto their team! They were having a ball in the water and amongst the reeds. So much so, that when dusk came and it was time for everyone to go to bed, they stayed where they were. They just weren’t interested in coming away from the water. No amount of bribery or coaxing from me, Barrie or Drake could budge them. We kept going out to them throughout the evening, in the pitch dark, but no, they stayed where they were, quite happy. They might have been happy but we weren’t. They were used to sleeping under a lamp during the night and yet here they were, having been outside for most of the day already, wanting to stay out under the stars. It wasn’t a particularly bad night, but it was such a contrast to what they knew, and they were still babies. We had to resign ourselves that they would be out for the night and hope that they would be ok. We just prayed that they wouldn’t freeze to death or succumb to any foxes or anything. We had a sleepless night.

Next morning, we went out with bated breath and there they were, where we left them, near the water, none the worse. I am sure they looked bigger and taller, and more grown up! And ironically, having spent hours trying to coax them into their enclosure, or at the very least to go in with the others that previous evening, the following morning, they had easily found their way back to their own place and were happy and snug by the afternoon.

Since then, it seems they have learned their lesson from staying out, and they go out in the morning, happily mix with all the others, play in the water, forage for whatever, and then toddle back to their enclosure by mid afternoon where they know they are safe, and can sleep under their lamp at night. We are so proud of them.

The rest of the farm inhabitants are all doing well. The SAS still go out on their manoeuvres throughout the farm each day and the rest happily do their thing.

On Sunday, Barrie will be taking Star to the local church for Remembrance Day. He did this when we were in Devon and this will be the first time here in Northumberland.


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